Nexla and Google BigQuery
Integrate data from anywhere with Google BigQuery

Set up to work with your Google data efficiently, Nexla connects to any Google service from Postgres, BigQuery, Drive, Pub/Sub, and more.
Bed Bath and Beyond uses Nexla for rapid data replication into BigQuery
Read the case study from Google detailing how Nexla accelerated migration and data replication into BigQuery to unlock business value for Bed Bath and Beyond.
Read the Case Study

Google Cloud BigQuery Ready
Be confident that Nexla works with BigQuery in the most optimized way with our BigQuery Ready Validation.
Learn More

Universal Connectivity
Nexla’s bi-directional universal connectors mean you can not only easily deliver data from any system into BigQuery but also send BigQuery data to any application, dashboard, or API endpoint. Nexla supports all integration styles in one interface.

Bridge On-prem and Cloud
Nexla runs seamlessly in public and private cloud, as well as on-premise, bridging data flows in and out of BigQuery, no matter what your data architecture. Easily connect external and internal data across the different silos to support the growing number of analytics users and workloads.

BigQuery for Everyone
Use no-code and low-code tools to easily set up data flows into BigQuery. Empower individual teams with a self-service solution while maintaining reliable governance. Easily scale up to benefit from BigQuery adoption.