Data Mesh Solutions

Decentralized, governed, data as a product

Data Products

Data users now have a simple way to work with data products as Nexsets. Nexsets are logical data units that can be prepared and shared with any domain teams within your company and externally too.

Data Interoperability

Nexsets provide a common, interoperable way to navigate between disparate data systems. Users get one simple interface to data regardless of its speed (batch, real-time, or streaming), format, or schema.


Domain users manage and drive all aspects of data in a no/low-code way with Nexla. High quality and governed data becomes readily available for other teams resulting in agility and better business outcomes.

Organized, Validated, Ready-to-Use Nexsets

Nexsets are automatically created once you provide data credentials. Neatly organized with schema, samples, descriptions, annotations, ratings, and more, they help you easily find data, share Nexsets, apply validations, and benefit from automated error management.

Data Sharing

Nexsets are shareable. Just like with Google Drive, multiple users and stakeholders can now collaborate on data. Sharing is allowed between individuals, teams, and also across organizations, making data sharing a snap.

Automate Your Data Flows

Sharable transforms, Nexsets, and schema detection make it easier to set up automated data flows. Once you’re set up, Nexla automatically scales and updates to new data.

Continuous Intelligence

Nexla applies continuous intelligence to your data and automatically created Nexsets. Nexsets speed up operations and collaboration between domains without compromising quality or governance.



Nexla + Firebolt: Data Mesh and Sub-Second Analytics at Scale

Nexla and Firebolt team up to deliver a webinar on implementing data mesh at scale with a data warehouse that enables sub-second analytics.

AWS Startup Showcase: A Future of Automated Data Engineering

Check out Nexla featured in the AWS Startup Showcase as we discuss how data mesh can accelerated data engineering.

What a Data Product is, and How it Scales Data Ops

Kevin Petrie from the Eckerson Group and Nexla dive into the data products that power data mesh, and what value they bring to an organization, in this webinar.

Build Your Data Mesh with Nexla

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