Clearwater Analytics, a public fintech SaaS company, manages and reconciles over $7.3 trillion in assets,…
Nexla October Newsletter
Our $12M Series A
We’re excited to announce our Series A funding at Nexla. Read all about it in this TechCrunch article. Thank you everyone for your support!
Lightning-Fast Data to Firebolt
Nexla and Firebolt teamed up to make data for analytics faster and easier. Firebolt customers can now use Nexla to integrate data from any internal or external data source to the Firebolt cloud data warehouse. Read our blog post.
Product Updates
Google Pub/Sub Connector
Our new Google Pub/Sub connector enables building data flows for any streaming or event-driven system easily at scale. Google Pub/Sub now becomes both a source and a destination for Nexla flows, similar to our integration with Kafka. Learn more about Google Pub/Sub.
Enhanced Email Connector
Nexla’s Email source connector can now ingest emails in real-time from Gmail, making emails a first-class data source for your business processes. Leveraging our new Google Pub/Sub integration we are now able to treat incoming emails as streaming/real-time data. Check out the connector in Nexla.
From the Blog
Featured Tutorials
Biweekly Webinar (Live Demo)
Our webinar is now every other week!
Join us to learn about Nexla and how we make it easy for data teams to work with data. In the demo, you will get a close view of the Nexla platform as we set up a complete data flow.
Upcoming Dates
Wed, Oct 27: 8:30-9am PST
Wed, Nov 10: 8:30-9am PST
Suggestion or Feedback?
We are here to make working with data easier for your. Please contact us anytime if you have suggestions or feedback for us.
The Nexla Team
Unify your data operations today!
Discover how Nexla’s powerful data operations can put an end to your data challenges with our free demo.